Seminario - What is Expected of Higher Education Graduates in the 21st Century?

Sala Stefanini (II piano), piazza Capitaniato,3


Scuola di Dottorato in "Scienze Pedagogiche, dell'Educazione e della Formazione"
Doctoral School: Pedagogical, Educational and Instructional Sciences

Padova, 19 Giugno 2013, ore 9.30 Dipartimento FISPPA, Sala Stefanini (II piano), piazza Capitaniato,3

Professor at Maastricht University (NL) and program director Education and Occupational Career at the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA)

What is Expected of Higher Education Graduates in the 21st Century?

The Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA) has recently carried out a study for the European Commission to provide insight in how employers evaluate higher education (HE) graduates’ employability.
In particular the study aims to provide answers to the following research questions:

  • What are the major trends on the labour market for HE graduates and how do these trends impact the skills that HE graduates are supposed to have? How will the skill needs develop in the next decade?
  • What are the key characteristics that employers look at when they recruit HE graduates? Are these characteristics comparable across countries and across occupational fields?
  • What are the skills that graduates should possess in order to be employable? Are these skills comparable across countries and across occupational fields?
  • How can HEIs best enable students to develop employable profiles? What are the dilemmas that HEIs face when improving employability?
  • How can employers contribute to improve the employability of graduates? How can cooperation with HEIs be improved?
  • In the seminar I will present the main conclusions and policy implications of the study.