Teaching services
The service carries out the following activities:
- Support for the Departmental Teaching Commission
Programming and training offer management
- Activation/modification of study courses
- Teaching arrangements
- University information system IDRA
- Connection with the administrative-accounting area
- Support to the Collegial Bodies
Saretta Begolo
Bertilla Bresolin
Stefania Ferremi
Marta Giora
e-mail address: didattica.fisppa@unipd.it
Teaching organisation and support for teachers
- Lessons, exams and graduation calendars
- Space management
- Support to teachers for Uniweb
- Digital signature
- Support to the Presidents for the Degree Course Councils
Roberta Bellinato
Tiziana Cavasino
Sara Fabris
Marta Rossi
e-mail address: didattica.fisppa@unipd.it
Teaching organisation and student front-office
- Graduation calendars and commissions
- Support of the students
Melissa Garbin
Alioscia Miotto
Rosa Zitti
Indirizo email: lauree.fisppa@unipd.it
Online courses section (in collaboration with the staff of the e-learning section of the School of Human, Social and Cultural Heritage Sciences)
- Teacher support
- Organisation of online activities
Teaching services - via Cesarotti
- Educational organisation
- Student front office
- Graduation calendars and commissions
- support of the students
Teaching services - Rovigo
- Student support
- Teacher support
- Graduation calendars and commissions
- Lessons, exams and graduation calendars
- Space management
- Support to teachers for Uniweb
- Support to the Presidents for the Degree Course Councils