Teaching innovation

The Fisppa Department is strongly committed to promoting educational innovation. To this end, teaching skills development initiatives have been implemented for students, lecturers as well as technical and administrative staff.

Particular attention has been paid to the integration of digital technologies in teaching and to the creation of MOOCs in Italian and English to encourage international students.

Here is an example of the latter, "Innovative Teaching: Engaging Adult Learners with Active Learning":



Activities for students

- 24 workshops for all students in the Department aimed at analysing literature reviews for educational, psychological, philosophical and sociological research; scientific writing and argumentative text; construction of evaluation rubrics to provide common criteria for thesis writing and effective communication;

- 4 workshops for activities linking internship and thesis research in the field of applied psychology;

- 4 workshops on peer review and peer assessment for lecturers and students studying the single-cycle degree programme in Primary Education Sciences.


Activities for lecturers

Possible HybridActions – Re-thinking teaching design through mobile and network technologies. The activities focused on hybrid solutions as part of the innovation process in university teaching. With this perspective, the following has been achieved:

-       20 face-to-face and remote training courses, lasting a total of 20 hours for each lecturer, about the integration of technology to support design and assessment, specifically tailored to the nature and content of each lesson of the participating lecturers;

-       8 thematic workshops, each lasting 4 hours, addressed all lecturers in the Department's degree programmes to promote methodological and digital skills. In this context, topics such as the creation of video editing to support learning, in-depth study of the ethical and legal aspects of data processing for copyright and privacy purposes, and the creation of environments for the development of learning communities have been dealt with;

-        8 guided tours on organisational contexts in the school, business, clinical, training and social spheres aimed at highlighting the characteristics, values and internal dynamics for situational lesson planning in a real context.


Activities for both students and lecturers


As part of CreaRelAzioni: the development of skills for shared learning environments, the following were carried out:

-       3 workshops for each of the Department's degree programmes dedicated to promoting dialogue with the working world;

-        a residential professional development course for lecturers in the Department to 1) increase awareness of their communication potential; 2) develop their interaction skills; 3) promote active learning. At the core of this initiative there will be a two-day residential course dedicated to a series of awareness-raising techniques on the different dimensions of communication, including a theatre improvisation workshop and an ad hoc intervention on the transformation of communication strategies determined by the transition from in-person learning to online learning;

-       in-depth study of academic English for students and Department staff involved in internationalisation processes.