Administrative offices
The service carries out the following activities:
Purchasing of goods and services
- Passive cycle management
- Orders
- MePA (e-Procurement application)
- Payable invoices settlement
- Goods and services procurement
- Order management
- Conferences and events goods and services purchase
- Inventory management
e-mail: acquisti.fisppa@unipd.it
Budget, accounting and tax
- Active cycle (incoming revenue)
- Cash flow
- Research projects accounting (U-GOV application)
- Transfers between different entities
- Petty expenses fund
- Budget variations
- Credit card purchase
e-mail: bilancio.fisppa@unipd.it
Research, postgraduate and conference accounting
- Administrative and organisational aspects relating to conferences (conference invitations, payments, etc.)
- Passive cycle
- Reimbursements of expenses
- Settlement of third party fees
- Term contracts payment
- Scholarships payment
- Financial plans relating to the postgraduate training offer
Michela Marini
Chiara Zarpellon
Email address: compensi.fisppa@unipd.it
Teaching contracts and special teaching projects
- Passive cycle
- Teaching contracts
- Contracts for supplementary teaching
- Visiting
- Settlement of teaching contracts
- Management of calls for proposals for teaching support and settlement of assignments
Elena Agostini
Federica Ripamonti
Administrative and accounting services - via Venezia
- Administrative secretariat
- Mission administration
Giacoma Licitra
Maria Antonella Nacci (30%)
e-mail: missioni.fisppa@unipd.it